The tenets of Logical Positivism
From Ladyman: 1) Science is the only intellectually respectable form of inquiry. 2) All truths are either: (a) analytic, a priori and necessary (tautological) or (b) synthetic, a posteriori and contingent.* 3) So far as knowledge goes, it is either purely formal and analytic, such as math and logic, or it is a kind of empirical science.* 4) The purpose of philosophy is to explicate the structure or logic of science. Philosophy is really the epistemology of science and analyzing concepts.** 5) Logic is to be used to express precisely the relationships between concepts. 6) The verifiability criterion of meaning : a statement is literally meaningful if and only if it is either analytic or empirically verifiable. 7) The Verification Principle : the meaning of a non-tautological statement is its method of verification; that is, the way in which it can be shown to be true by experience. * - Godel's Incompleteness Proof seems to undo these two tenets, or at least to obfuscate t...